Puppy & Beginner Application


Download and save the PDF or Word Puppy and Beginner Class Application Document and Questionnaire.

    • Give the document a unique name (yours or your dog’s will work well) to save to your files, then open on your computer 
    • Complete the Application Document by typing in information; you may want to test it after typing your name, to be sure your information will be saved
    • Save the completed Application Document again to your files
    • Attach the Application Document file to an email to lrdtc.info@gmail.com


Print the PDF or Word Puppy and Beginner Application Document and Questionnaire.

    • Complete the Application Document by printing the requested information by hand
    • Scan or photograph and attach to an email to lrdtc.info@gmail.com

If you have questions, please contact lrdtc.info@gmail.com

You must submit your Application with your payment. There are two ways to submit the registration materials:

1)  By Email:

PayPal Acceptance Mark
  Official PayPal Seal  

2)  By Mail:

Mail to:
Attn: Classes
P.O. Box 56694
Little Rock, AR 72215


* There is a 5% convenience charge for PayPal or PayPal Here payments.*

Questions about classes or registration:   lrdtc.info@gmail.com


Download Adobe Reader for free.

copyright 2013 Little Rock Dog Training Club