Class Descriptions
Basic Manners

Puppy Kindergarten
Get your puppy started off on the right foot. This class focuses on socialization, basic training, and how to be a responsible pet owner.
Pre-Req: None
Age: 10wks - 6 months

Beginner Obedience
This class is trains YOU to train your dog. It goes over the basic commands (sit, down, loose leash walking, and come), and so much more!
Pre-Req: None
Age: 6 months and Older

This class focuses on the engagement and flatwork needed for many dog sports. It builds a strong relationship through training games.
Pre-Req: Beginner Obedience
Age: 6 months and Older

Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
This class is focused on the skills needed to pass the CGC test. This class helps you and your dog be the best you can be.
Pre-Req: Beginner Obedience
Age: 6 months and Older
Competition Obedience

Continue building your obedience skills while also growing the bond between you and your dog through clear communication.
Pre-Req: Beg. Obedience or Teamwork
Age: 6 months and older

Gain the skills needed to start competing, and learn about what it takes for your dog to earn their CD Title.
Pre-Req: Sub-Novice and Instructor Permission
Age: 12 months and Older

Take your competition training to the next level. Learn what it takes for your dog to earn their Open Obedience Title.
Pre-Req: Novice and Instructor Permission
Age: 12 months and Older

ITake your competition obedience training to the highest level. Learn what it takes for your dog to earn their Utility Title.
Pre-Req: Open and Instructor Permission
Age: 12 months and Older

Test your skills, and learn what it takes to make sure your dog can perform under any condition.
Pre-Req: Instructor Permission
Age: 12 months and older

Have a trial coming up? We offer drop-in put-thrus most Wednesday evenings. Check the calendar for more infromation
Pre-Req: None
Age: 6 months and older

Intro to Agility
Start your agility journey. Learn the basic handling moves through flatwork and games.
Pre-Req: Teamwork or Sub-Novice
Age: 9 Months and Older

Beginner Agility
This class will introduce your dog to all equipment and basic sequencing.​
Pre-Req: Intro to Agility and Instructor Permission
Age: 12 months and Older​

Intermediate Agility A/B
Learn about more complex sequencing, and grow your understanding of how and when to use different handling moves.
Pre-Req: Beginner Obedience
Age: 6 months and Older

Advanced Agility
Learn the advanced handling moves needed to feel confident in even the trickiest of course.
Pre-Req: Beginner Obedience
Age: 6 months and Older

Rally Novice/Intermediate
Learn about the entry level of of the AKC sport, Rally! It is a fun, confidence building sport where dog and handler navigate a course of numbered signs performing different skills together.
Pre-Req: Teamwork or Sub-Novice
Age: 9 Months and Older

Rally Excellent/Advanced
Ready for more? Learn about the more complex signs and moves needed for the upper levels of Rally.​
Pre-Req: Rally Novice and Instructor Permission
Age: 12 months and Older​
Scent Work

Beginner Scent Work
Learn about your dog's nose, and let them use their natural instincts in this class. You will learn the basics behind the AKC sport of Scent Work.
Pre-Req: Beginner Obedience
Age: 6 Months and Older

Intermediate Scent Work
Expand the number of scents your dog can find, and learn about more complex hides as you continue to grow your dogs confidence in the sport.
Pre-Req: Beginner Scent Work and Instructor Permission
Age: 6 months and Older​

Advanced Scent Work
Learn about the trickiest hides and how to set your dog up for success no matter the conditions.​
Pre-Req: Intermediate Scent Work and Instructor Permission
Age: 6 months and Older

Learn how to properly teach your dog to stack and run around the conformation ring. This is a drop-in class held on Tuesday evenings. No pre-registration required.
Pre-Req: None
Age: 10wks and Older

Ready to have lots of fun with your dog? Learn about trick training, build your dog's confidence, and earn a trick title or two by the end of the session!
Pre-Req: Beginner Obedience
Age: 6 months and Older​